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9 Traits of a Confident Person

Writer's picture: Elfreda Manahan-VaughanElfreda Manahan-Vaughan

9 Traits of a Confident Person

Confidence is often associated with speaking up, being more extrovert than introvert and not being afraid to try new things. These behaviours can be associated with confidence but they can also just be surface behaviours and the person can still experience immense self-doubt, worry what others think and constantly need approval from others. I know this because that’s how I used to be. True confidence has no specific outward behaviour. It can be quiet, unassuming, and have preference for solitary pursuits however, it always sure of itself and a confident person is not afraid to be themselves. Bearing this in mind I have come up the top nine traits I associate with truly confident people.

They trust themselves.

Trust in oneself is essential when it comes to confidence. One of the reasons we often look for others’ approval, or are filled with self-doubt, is because we struggle to trust are own judgement. Unfortunately, this is not a quality taught in school or even at home. We get corrected and praised to meet the standards set by our teachers, parents, the education system and society. It takes practice to trust our own judgement and to be able to accept that we can fix things or will be ok, no matter what life throws at us. When making decisions, it is essential to check in with how we feel first. Learning to trust our gut and our own judgement without needing the approval or support of others helps us to feel more confident. Start with small decisions like what you want to eat or places you want to go and work from there.

They value themselves.

Knowing our self-worth and truly valuing the contribution we make to our lives, and the lives of others, can often be a challenge for most of us. We set impossible standards and constantly compare ourselves with others or have this bizarre idea that we need to be perfect to be accepted, and yet we readily accept our loved ones knowing that they make mistakes. Experiencing our own sense of value allows us to feel confident in our ability to achieve, and to feel that what we can offer is worthwhile. Start by looking at the things you do well, look to see how you improve the lives of those around you and compliment yourself when you do something well.

They see failure as a learning curve.

Truly confident people are never afraid to fail at something, they see it as a potential learning curve and know that it is feedback for what they need to learn or to achieve, in order to get the outcome they want in the future. They also focus less on outcome and more on process, knowing that they are gaining new experiences and skills all the time, even if they have to re-think the final result. Start by looking at what you learned from past situations you once thought were mistakes or failures. Can you look at any new situation with an eye on what you might learn, or gain, and let go of the end-result?

They set their own standards.

When we feel confident we start to turn inwards to measure our experiences and no longer need others to tell us how we are doing. We look to how experiences will make us feel and what benefit it will bring to our lives, and the lives of others, rather than needing to rewarded or praised. Setting one’s own standards means you can focus on what is important to you without having to achieve a specific result and this in turn allows you to let go of your fear of failure. When it is your standard then you no longer rely on others for approval or compare yourself with what anyone else is doing. Before doing something ask yourself how you would like to feel and what you will be satisfied with, bearing in mind that failure is only a result you weren’t expecting.

They focus on others.

As we begin to look towards ourselves for our own standards and let go of our fear of failure, we then can have more time and room in our life to focus on others. We no longer hang on to specific outcomes, need to be right or want to display our worth by appearing superior or better than others. We can look to the needs of those around us and allow them to flourish in our company. We can defer to others for advice and help and encourage those we love to achieve their best. Start by asking what someone might need from you when dealing with another, is it listening, advice or just to be present? Can you let go of your own needs because you are already having them met by how you treat yourself?

They ask for help.

As we start to drop all the ideas we have about who we should be and how we should behave and allow ourselves to relax into our sense of self we can trust in our ability to ask for help. We no longer feel like a failure if we cannot do something and we understand that allowing others to help us not only assists us in getting better, but gives the other person a chance to feel good because they helped us out. Asking for help can make us better at the things that are important to us. Start by asking for help with things you know you can do but are aware someone else is happy to help you with, and may even feel great for the fact that they got to help you.

They look for the Win, Win.

The win, win gives everyone a chance to benefit. When we look for the win, win we are not only focusing on others but we are looking for the best result for you and for them. This allows us to compromise and in so doing gives everyone something. When we are truly confident we are not solely focused on meeting our own needs. We can only do this when we are no longer attached to specific outcome or desperate to prove something to others. Start by asking yourself how you can have your needs met whilst also giving others what they need. With what result would you be happy? Can you give yourself what you need by changing the way you think or what you expect in certain situations?

They live in the moment.

It is very difficult to live in the moment when you are stuck in your head worry about what other’s think, afraid to make mistakes, or trying to live up to the imagined expectations of others. When we no longer feel that we need the approval of others and can truly be ourselves then we are free to focus on what is happening around us. Letting go of our need to control the outcome of an event and focusing on the process gives us the opportunity to savour each moment free from that nagging voice in our head that tells us to be afraid that things might go wrong. Start by noticing where your thoughts are when you are doing a specific task. Are you thinking about something else completely or are you passing comment on what’s happening? Can you just focus on what is happening right now and let go of your thoughts?

They have a positive outlook.

The last trait of a truly self-confident person is having a positive outlook. When we live in a state of trust, drop our fear of failure, live in the moment always looking for the win, win then it is next to impossible to feel negative about life. Knowing that you can figure things out and trusting your ability to do it helps you to find the good in everything. Realising that everything is a lesson and a chance to learn and that you can be happy with whatever comes your way is incredibly liberating and so positivity is a natural by-product. This does not mean you will always be happy or that you won’t experience negative emotions, what it means is that you can look for the good in every experience and let go of fearing that things will ultimately go wrong. Start by finding the positive in situations you normally feel negatively about. Can you see that being delayed in traffic gives you time to slow down or be with yourself? Can you see a mistake as a reminder to be more mindful or in the present moment?

I’m sure you’ve guessed by now that all these traits are intrinsically linked. It is impossible to have one without the other. For me the real key to confidence was allowing myself to trust not only myself but others, knowing that help is always at hand and being brave enough to ask for it without feeling ashamed, like I had failed in some way. Bringing awareness to your thoughts and making a concerted effort to work on the negative self-talk can give you a level of confidence that not only allows you to work towards your goals but also to free up your energy so that you can be happy.

For information on my coaching, workshops or training check out my Facebook page or explore my website. You can also email or phone 00353868373582. Thanks for reading, Elfreda

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